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Amazingly, for such a rural county, there are nearly two hundred postcards of Harrison County subjects, most of which were published during the early part of the 20th century, and there are probably even more which have yet to be discovered.




Pinteresting Pics


HarrisonCountyKy.US now posts pictures and postcards to Pinterest.com. Many of the images you can already find at this site can now be found at Pinterest, and maybe even a few not seen before. 




Penny Postcards


Especially of interest at this site are the pages devoted to old penny postcards of Harrison County, a majority of which are from the private collection of Charley Feix.


The subjects of the postcard images at this site include:  greetings cards, Berry, Ky., Cynthiana street scenes, banks, bridges, the Licking River, cemeteries, churches, government buildings, hospitals, hotels & motels, restaurants, schools, trains & stations, other Cynthiana sites, and tobacco & Kentucky.


Another site on the web, Penny Postcards from Kentucky - Harrison County, is a USGenWeb site devoted to posting images of penny postcards of all states, and they have a small selection of postcards devoted to Harrison County, Kentucky.




Family Photo Albums


Pictures are always worth a thousand words, or so it has often been said, and it always seems that no matter how much work you do at libraries and courthouses in filling up those notebooks and three-ring binders with reams of paper, one little picture on a piece of paper can seem to put all those other papers to shame with their inability to bring out the human element of any family history.


To see the images that visitors to HarrisonCountyKy.US have submitted for use at this site, or to see others that have been found through other resources, visit A Family Photo Album for the County or click on the following individual family links:

If you have any images that you would like to see posted to these pages, from the 19th century up to World War II, I will gladly consider adding them to this page.  JPG images scanned at a minimum resolution of 200dpi are best, but if you don't own a scanner and have an image file already, I will do my best to add it this page.  Include as much information as possible about the subjects of the photo that you would like to see on-line.  Please e-mail me with any offers or questions.


The Bridges of Harrison County - Images of two old bridges which have since been lost to the ravages of time and man are available at the Library of Congress.  The links below take you directly to the Built in America pages of the Library of Congress' American Memory project.

If you like should like old bridges, and covered ones in particular like the old one in Cynthiana, click here to find others still in existence in the region of Harrison County.




Pictorial History of Harrison County


In 1993 a hardbound photo book entitled Pictorial History of Harrison County was published by the Cynthiana Publishing Company on the occasion of the bicentennial of Harrison County.  It is a 128-page book that is chock full of old pictures of the people and places of Harrison County of the past 200 years.  If you can get your hands on one of these little gems, it is well worth the effort.


If you wish to see if there is anybody you might know whose image might appear in Pictorial History of Harrison County click on the title of the book to view an every name index of the county's photo album.




The County as It Appears Today on the Ground & Online


Pages that are a part of the www.kyhometown.com website are devoted to Cynthiana, with links to current weather and other local information, including several "photo gallieries" devoted to Cynthiana sites and festivals.  You can even watch the sun set over Cynthiana via a live webcam link at the site.


The Cynthiana Democrat Online has, over the past, maintained several "Photo Galleries," which evolve and change over time.


Harrison County also has its share of historical markers, twelve as of this writing, some of which have been photographed and posted to the web.  One site, www.signsofhistory.com, lists all twelve and includes photographs of several, while another website entitled Kentucky Historical Marker Database - Harrison County, Kentucky lists all twelve and includes the texts of all twelve signs.


While there are no photographs, you might want to look at a list of historic sites or districts in the county listed with the National Register of Historic Places visit their pages devoted to Harrison County's sites and districts.




Better-Than-Bird's-Eye Views


While not exactly maps, some of following options might be able to help you to better find your way down unmapped dirt roads and through some farmer's fields (Ask permission first!).  Even birds don't get better views than what these sites offer!


A fascinating website entitled the Digital Ortho Image Download Center offers black & white aerial photographic views of the entire state of Kentucky.  Specific images at the site cannot be linked to from this one, but if you have a decent map of Kentucky in front of you when you visit, you should be able to sort through the linked map grids to get you where you want to go.  These images can provide you with the detail that not even topographic maps show, such as property boundary lines and structures too small to include on such maps.  Even individual monuments in cemeteries show up in these photographs!




Sights from a Satellite


The online search powerhouse of Google has just recently become a resource for free satellite imagery.  Just go to Maps.Google.com, enter the name of the community in which you are interested in the search box, click on the "Search" button, and you will be offered a choice of map, "satellite" imagery, or a "hybrid" view of satellite images overlaid with a roadmap template.  Click on 'satellite'  or "hybrid" to view either of the two satellite image options.  Be aware, however, that not all areas have been photographed with the same detail, and so the area in which you are interested in may not be viewable with the same closeness as provided by the aerial views at the Digital Ortho Image Download Center.


If the Google images are not good enough for you, or if you just don't want to spend a lot of time downloading images, good color satellite views of Harrison County are also available on CD.  The Image Trader (P.O. Box 30637, Flagstaff, AZ 86003) is an example of one resource that offers satellite imagery for nearly two thousand counties and three hundred cities across the United States for about twenty dollars each.  I have an Image Trader CD of satellite imagery for Harrison County that I have been thoroughly pleased with.  Their offerings can be viewed at www.landsat.com through their store at Ebay.com


"Good Luck" with your research!

The content of www.HarrisonCountyKy.US has been written, compiled, transcribed, abstracted, extracted and/or edited by Philip Naff, except for content which has been submitted for use at the site by unpaid volunteer contributors or where otherwise noted, and he maintains all rights in these web pages as defined by the copyright laws of the United States of America.  No content of this website may be used at or viewed through any other website without the express written consent of Philip Naff.


Last Edited Update: 01.01.2017

© 2006-17 - Philip A. Naff